Data Science and Leagues
all in one place
Learn new skills with the authentic data of your favorite teams, and kickstart your career.
Break down actual game scenarios
Study with real and up-to-date interactive case studies from your favorite football leagues. Choose the league and data you're most passionate about.
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Build job-ready skills
Dive deep Into Data Science. Develop skills that employers are looking for.
Get real-time results
With our live coding platform you can see real-time results as you work through the exercises.
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The #1 Data Science upskilling platform
Focus on the skills you need most
Sports Analytics School gives individuals, businesses and universities the tools they need to continuously improve their data analytics and coding capabilities using the genuine insights of the top leagues.
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Become the Sports Data Analyst of you beloved team
Gain access to the same real-time football data that only the team's analysts have! Analyze player statistics, team performance, and match strategies, all while honing your data science skills in an exciting and competitive environment.