Privacy policy

Vaquancy LTD is the owner of the website and therefore operates as the Data Controller for the Personal Data of Users and Customers, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union. In this Statement, we provide you with information regarding the type of personal data we collect about you, the manner and purposes for which we collect it, the third parties with whom we share this data, and the rights you have."

Personal data

Personal data refers to information concerning an individual whose identity is known or can be disclosed.
During your visit to the website, we collect the IP address that your device receives each time it accesses the Internet. In cases where your IP address remains static, it may be associated with your specific device, potentially leading to information such as the date and time of your visit to the website, as well as the type of browser and operating system used by your device.
If you choose to create an account, we collect the following personal data: full name and email. If you choose to log in through another available method (e.g., via Social Media), your details (name and email) are automatically filled in the registration form for you to confirm. Specifically, your name and email are displayed and recorded.
If you access the free material, we collect the following personal data: full name, email, and data related to your progress in following the educational program, such as success/failure in exams/quizzes, and completion time of the program.
If you choose to purchase a Course, we collect the following personal data: full name and email. If you choose to log in through another available method (e.g., via Social Media), your details (name and email) are automatically filled in the registration form for you to confirm. Specifically, your name and email are displayed and recorded. We also collect your study progress, your exam scoring and your answers provided in the assessments/quizzes or other deliverables included in the Course.
Please refrain from sharing data unrelated to the purpose of communication, especially data of special categories (sensitive) or other data belonging to you or third parties. In cases where we deem that the data you have included in the Contact Form is not related to the purpose of communication, we will proceed with their deletion.
If you choose to upload your CV, Vaquancy processes the data you have chosen to include, according to specific terms provided in the submission form.
If you consent to receiving our newsletter, Vaquancy processes the full name and email address you have provided.

Purposes of Processing

  • When you visit our website, Vaquancy processes the IP address as part of its legitimate interest to ensure the correct and uninterrupted operation of its website and to provide you with a good user experience.
  • When you choose to register as a user, we process your personal data in order to provide our services and ensure the smooth operation of our Platform.
  • If you choose to upload your CV, Vaquancy processes the data you have chosen to include, according to specific terms provided in the submission form.
  • If you consent to receiving our newsletter, Vaquancy processes the full name and email address you have provided, based on your consent, to communicate with you and promote informative material about both the Company and market news and trends.

Third parties that access your personal data

To the extent necessary for the operation of the Website and the fulfillment of the processing purpose, the Company may disclose your personal data to third-party companies, such as the Platform provider company or third-party companies with which we cooperate to fulfill the purposes of this processing. For the purpose of providing specific services, we share the data with our specialized personnel and external collaborators, who are contractually bound to maintain confidentiality and secrecy, as well as to comply with the Legislation for Personal Data Protection. For the sending of newsletters, for those who have chosen to subscribe, the Company uses external collaborators who carry out the email dispatch. All collaborators are committed to complying with the Legislation for personal data and to maintaining confidentiality and secrecy.

How we protect your personal data

Our Company has implemented all appropriate organizational and technical measures, in accordance with technological standards and applicable Laws and Regulations, to ensure that the processing of your personal data, whether by itself or by third parties on its behalf, is lawful, appropriate, and possesses the appropriate level of security to prevent any unauthorized or accidental access, processing, deletion, alteration, or other use thereof. The partners of the Company who have access to personal data are committed to maintaining confidentiality and secrecy and to processing the data in compliance with the current legal framework

How long do we process your data?

The personal data processed by the Company is retained for the entire period necessary to fulfill the purpose of processing. Upon expiry of this period, the data is deleted, unless otherwise provided by the legislative and regulatory framework or as required for the defense of the Company's rights before a Court or other competent Authority.

If you have chosen to create a User Account, your data is retained as long as your Account remains active. If you have made a purchase of an educational program, your Account remains active until the completion of the Program. If you wish to proceed with the deletion of your Account, please send a request to data you enter in the Contact Form is retained for a period of one (1) month or earlier, in case you request their deletion."

Your rights

Under the current legislation, we would like to inform you that you have the following rights and may exercise them: (a) the right to access your personal data, as well as information related to its processing, (b) the right to rectify inaccuracies and supplement any incomplete data, (c) the right to erasure ('right to be forgotten') and (d) the right to restrict the processing of your data in cases explicitly defined by law, (e) the right to data portability in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format (e.g., CD), (f) the right to transmit your data to another - other than us - data controller, as well as (g) the right to object to the processing of your personal data in cases explicitly defined by law, (h) the right to withdraw consent, in cases where processing is based on it. The exercise of any of the above rights is done by submitting a relevant written request to our Company, to which we undertake to respond within one (1) month from its receipt. It is noted that this deadline may be extended by two (2) additional months, taking into account the complexity of your request, as well as the number of requests in general.Furthermore, our Company undertakes the obligation to promptly inform you, without undue delay, of any breach of your personal data that may pose a high risk to your rights and freedoms, provided that this does not fall within one of the exceptions explicitly provided by law. In any case, if you discover a violation of the protection of your personal data, you have the right to appeal to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority.


If you believe that we have not adequately addressed your request and your personal data protection rights have been violated in any way, you may file a complaint against the competent Data Protection Authority.
Detailed instructions for filing a complaint are provided on the Authority's website.